Hi I'm Katherine and I have been a student in Dr. Burton's Rhetoric and Civilization class. We have taken a non-conventional approach to schooling this semester. Check out my experience in regards to my self-directed learning, my evolving project, and my thoughts on communication and history.
My self-directed learning
During the first half of the semester my learning
was greatly enhanced as I was able to study particular parts about history that
were interesting to me. My out of class activities included several hands-on
learning experiences including the Norman Rockwell exhibit, the Rose Marie Reid
swimsuit exhibit, and navigating BYU Special Collections. The Norman
Rockwell exhibit featured hundreds of Rockwell’s artwork featured on the front
of each issue of the Saturday Evening Post. My understanding of history of the
20th century was greatly
enhanced as I was able to observe these covers and noticed how war, even on the
home front, affected the attitudes and values of Americans. It made me think of
how my own life is leaving a trail that tells the story of both my good and bad
times. The Red Scare was one of the pieces of history that I studied the most.
I was able to view top secret files that have now been released about the
events of this time period. It amazed me how paranoid most of America became
during this time period and how many innocent people were prosecuted. As I
studied this, I noticed how close the US was to establishing harsher policies
and how as a nation we could have followed in the footsteps of Nazi Germany. It
is often said that history repeats itself and I am grateful that I was able to
see parallels as I performed my self-directed learning.
My evolving project
My project began simply as I was intrigued about the statement
that Apple had released publicly. I remember reading that letter and feeling as
if it was a defining moment in history. Apple is a powerful company and
blatantly refused the demands of the government. It reminded me of several
times throughout history when an individual/group defined the ruling power and
how those actions turned into a revolution (i.e. French Revolution). I was
personally passionate about the debate surrounding this statement so I decided
to have that as the main focus of my project and to build an argument around it.
My argument continued to evolve as the weeks passed. I first felt
that I would argue that the power of companies is growing so strong that they
may threaten the power of the US government. After receiving feedback from a
variety of both peers in class and strangers, I decided that while companies
may be growing stronger in power so is the US government and that my argument
was not as strong as it needed to be. I continued to pivot my argument bit by
bit until I arrived at my final argument, the
US government is growing stronger in power and has the potential to become so
strong that our individual freedoms may be threatened.
Collaborating as peers led to refinement
of my topic and ideas. Initially we were in our cohorts and in my group were Michael and Laycee. Both helped me to form my initial ideas into
words. When Michael shared his idea I came up with a clever title which
stuck with his topic all the way to his final draft (see: A Plea From the Past). As we shifted into topic groups Adrian
and Tommy collaborated with
me on my topic. It was hard to fit our initial arguments together, but
after bouncing ideas around I was able to further pivot my argument with their
help. Other classmates helped me as well; Amanda’s
comment helped me to realize I needed to also address the other side of the
issue, Michael’s
comment helped me to see which parts of my topic I could elaborate more
upon, and Viktor
Fel encouraged me to pivot my argument to have more credibility.
Communication is a crucial component of civilization. Communication
is defined as the
"interchange of thoughts, opinions, or information by speech, writing, or
signs." Communication evolves with time, take the written word for example. Pre-printing press manuscripts were handwritten therefore the common man had limited access to literature. Spelling was not uniform and books
were seen as a form of art not just information. After the printing press
emerged spelling became uniform, literature became wide-spread, and literature moved away from being a piece of artwork. Now speed forward to the 21st century, where we have digital
communication that takes on every form you can imagine. Through written communication
we are able to see the values and morals of people throughout history and get a
glimpse into their lives.
"If I have seen further, it is by standing on the shoulders of giants."
-Isaac Newton
Viewing the contemporary world through the
eyes of history has helped me to appreciate where we are at as a society. Great advances would not be possible without the work of our
forerunners. History repeats itself and I have seen this while studying hundreds of years of history in a matter of weeks. The same concerns that people had hundreds of years ago still concern us today, just in a different form. When America was founded people wanted fair representation. Today we are still concerned with fair representation, just in different ways. As I look through the issues we face today, I can look to my knowledge of history for solutions and warnings of what not to do.
"History is written by the victors."
-Walter Benjamin
History, past and present, writes itself everyday. We can choose what history will look like in our lifetime but we can't choose what those in the future say about us. It is an interesting paradigm to contemplate. Ultimately the past happened how it happened, but have we rewritten it to how we want it to have been?
It was especially interesting to hear how all the feedback helped you to advance your thinking and develop your ideas. Nicely done.