Sunday, March 6, 2016

Tolerating Today's Communication Standard

I've explored the (possible) connection between radicalism and today's higher standard for tolerance. Today's ubiquitous communication mediums warn of prejudice and hate like never before. Facebook, blogs, online forums, podcasts, and other social media sites provide a personal and persuasive platform that previous generations never enjoyed.

These new tools provide an equally opportune environment for radicals who want to defend their beliefs, however drastic they may be. With the condition that tolerance is observed, society tends to turn a blind eye toward the radical.

While these communication platforms dramatically increase general awareness, they blur the already fuzzy line between tolerance and appeasement. Society is increasingly "tolerant" of behaviors and ideologies that were previously deemed immoral or even illegal. The fear of bigotry and prejudice inhibits courage to stand up for what's right.


  1. I like where you're going with this Alec... I recall feeling so many deep emotions every time I scroll through any of my social media news feeds because there are videos or posts ranging from an engagement to some random school fight. It's like we're being fed a life full of entertaining things and are ignoring the fact that it's immoral or just all around stupid. It would be interesting to see how you could really motivate people with this argument to do something to change?

  2. This is a topic of increasing interest to me. A trend that I've been noticing in society is that it's socially "alright" to be radical in favor of "popular" subjects like LGBT rights, feminism, the legalization of marijuana, cops and racism, etc.; but as soon as someone denounces one of these subjects they instantly become closed-minded bigots. I like how you are exploring this subject and look forward to seeing your argument develop. I would be interested to see your thoughts on how we as a society might acknowledge and address the situation.

  3. I appreciate the feedback. I'd be interested to hear any other personal experiences people have had.

  4. This is adding a few additional thoughts -- and clearly people think this has great contemporary relevance. But this is a bit thin. I need to see a substantive revision. Be sure to follow best blogging practices for visual design, too.
