Individual Project- My Progress
- 3/1/16--Perception versus Reality
- Here is where I did my first draft of my final project. I still have to further narrow and nail down my topic, but I'm hoping to get feedback and comments that will help. My idea has to do with how to balance our real selves with our online selves (which are defined by our digital footprint)--or to determine that these two selves are one in the same.
- In this post, I tried to adapt my previous presentation into a more digital format and further develop my ideas.
- 3/8/16--When Worlds Collide
- In this post, I tried to revise some of my previous material to incorporate more of the requirements requested in Dr. Burton's Criteria for Project Posts. I put my personal anecdote into the presentation itself. I tried to format this post in a digitally appealing way, and also changed around a few of my ideas. My goals for the next posts are to create a personal video and also to solidify my argument, perhaps by creating a thesis statement.
- 3/14/16
- Today, I commented and gave feedback to some of my classmates. Additionally, I started an effort to find social proof via a video.
- 3/15/16--Perception or Deception?
- Today I created a new post detailing some of the feedback I got from my "homies" via social media.
- 3/23/16-- Looks Matter
- An attempt to educate myself on politics.
- 3/30/2016--Perceptions of Identity
- A second version of "When Worlds Collide" that better aligns with the group project, as well as meeting all of the project criteria required.
- 4/3/2016--Tracking Our Digital Footprints
- A final version of my personal project that was more organized that the previous post, as well as being more connected to the overall group theme.
Group Project-My Contributions
- 3/21/16--Who is Gideon Burton Online?
- In this group post, we did a first iteration of our video. We aren't sure if we will continue with this idea, but we did get a lot of great feedback. I contributed to this post by providing some text for the blog post, as well as compiling the video.
- 3/27/16--Multiple Facets of Identity
- In this second iteration of our group project, we created a script for some videos we are planning on recording soon in preparation for the final presentation.
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