Monday, March 28, 2016

Digital Media Deteriorating Communication and Relationships

Here is our group project about how technology/digital media is hindering people's communication and personal relationships. This short video just presents our individual ideas, me, Laycee, and Tailor.

Amanda's views: Digital media is hurting relationships, which in turn hurts society because it is those personal human relationships that make up society. We see people all around looking down at their phones, not bothering to look up and notice the people around them. You never know if there is a person you need to meet, or someone you need to smile at. Digital media hinders this.

your Profile PhotoLaycee's views: Then on a more personal scale, when individuals are so absorbed with their digital devices, they lose the face-to-face communication skills that are needed in every-day interaction with actual people (not on a screen). I have always thought that people should surgically remove their cell phone/digital devices.

Tailor's views: Digital media also prevents people from properly developing as individuals because people create false identities online through Facebook, Twitter, and other social media platforms. It is really easy to be fake on screen but harder in real life

Here are our ideas explained further:
Communication in the 20th century is unlike any other time in history. The invention of the printer, telegraph, and phone has now led us into an age of digital wonder. But is this technology hindering society even as it improves are quality of living?

Although there are many great things about the digital age, the digital age is disintegrating relationships. Phones and technology are effecting us in ways that can’t be seen. Over all it is clear that technology is creating a barrier between us and those around us. This phenomena can be seen everywhere today. New social standards are being created. What do you do when you are waiting for the bus, standing in line at the grocery story or even siting at the dinner table. A few years ago you would see kids talking and interacting while waiting for the school bus but today things are different. Today, kids are plugged in, interacting with only those who are not in their physical presence. It is a terrible time when you can say that you spend more time with your best friend Siri then with your family.

Conclusion: digital media is hindering the development of people, their relationships, their ability to communicate, and also hinders society. Let's put aside our digital paraphernalia and talk to people in person, not on screen, create our true identity without the help of devices, and save society!

Over all these concepts work together to show the cause (Laycee), effects (Tailor) and future consequences (Amanda) of the digital age as it relates to relationships.

Just for argument's sake, here is another group's opposing views of our argument.

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