Monday, March 28, 2016

Information Manipulation: Open or Controlled? - V2


The following is commentary made by the members of our group, relating the scenario to our individual topics of interest.

Rachelle: By asking Sariah for the codes to the MDT (music dance theater) practice rooms, he puts her in an awkward situation. He obviously knew where to find a student that had the codes, which meant that the MDT students make their presence in the RB known. This is similar to putting private information up on the Internet for all the see: there are people out there that know us just by what we post in the Internet. 

Bryce: I noticed that there were resources going unused, and I personally had a need to use the rooms as a performer. I took the initiative to even out the playing field by getting access to those resources. How terrible to have perfectly good practice rooms go to waste!

Rachelle: Sariah believed that it was her obligation to share the code information because she was asked in a friendly way, by a friendly person, and in an open environment she was comfortable in. The more time we spend on personal blogs and Facebook, we become comfortable sharing personal environment to possible predators. We most likely do it out of niceties and a feeling of personal responsibility. 

Bryce: Once I determined what resource I wanted, I knew exactly where to look for someone who had the codes - the MDT lobby. By using public information, I was able to track down who had what I needed. This happens all the time on LinkedIn and other forms of social media. Only absolute privacy of who owned/had access to the resources would protect them completely, but that's not feasible in our society.

Rachelle: What Sariah may not understand is that Bryce did not present her with any information regarding his activities in the practice room. She allowed him to use a limited resource without knowing his intentions, or possible consequences. 

Bryce: Once someone came along to grab the room that belonged to them, I was happy to leave. But at least, up until that point, I was able to use the resources. Rachelle may have felt a bit uncomfortable asking me to leave, but I didn't feel like that was such an issue that I shouldn't use the room at all.

Rachelle: We are constantly being stimulated by emotionally charging articles, videos, and posts. This can result in impulsive actions and negative emotions that can inhibit our logical thought process. I reacted to Bryce's presence in my practice room in a kind way, but some people may not have. Other practice rooms were obviously available, but I made sure to kick him out of mine- the one resource I for sure knew I had. We often rely on these resources (Facebook pages, bias news websites that may not give full information, and YouTube clogging) that make us feel emotionally and personally protected, when instead there is a likely chance these resources can be hacked. 

Bryce: There is a level of privacy that is advantageous to society. Personal issues should be kept very secure, and nobody should have access to those. Depending on how they are stored, the government shouldn't have a right to those things either. However, when it comes to logistical and operational things, privacy should be avoided to allow resources to be shared as freely as possible.


Rachelle: Stay safe on these sites, and protect yourself from biased opinions by securing your resources, and not sharing private information. Like practice room codes.

Bryce: While we should keep some information private, who owns and has access to the practice room codes is NOT one of them.

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