Sunday, March 20, 2016

Project Log: J. Argyle

This is me and my older daughter on our first day of school this year:
Here is a summary of my posts and research and such. It seems nobody reads my posts, perhaps because they are a little long, but I will solicit comments on my most recent posts, please:

  • M/D/YY - Post name (linked to the post)
    Explanation of the post
    • What needs to happen next
Individual Project - my progress
  • 3/2/16 - Navigating the sea of information isn't impossible
    This was my initial post, just trying to flesh out the problems a little better.
    • I now need to refine this into something easier to share that better hits the key points.
  • 3/9/16 - There's too much information available to not understand how to make use of it
    This was a refinement of my previous video, and something that I shared on my Facebook and spent the weekend discussing with a god number of people.
    • I need to close out the discussion, and get more creative input for my topic, maybe tying it in better with my sub-hub.
  • 3/9/16 - A possible mis-information solution
    This is a rough sketch of a platform that I've been thinking about for a while that will help reduce misinformation and improve collaboration while simultaneously improving the scholarly experience so that more academic types would want to publish there.
    • Refine this after more thought and discussion.
  • 3/14/16 - An updated proposed solution to misinformation
    From the weekend discussions, a lot of things were clarified or added to the platform, so this covers the main things.
    • Pending expert feedback from Dr.s Burton and Memmott to create a final version of this that I can share and can be used to actually develop this platform. After actually creating my part of the group project using a structure of that platform, I may post one final post on this, but otherwise I'll probably let it rest to focus on the main argument.
  • 3/16/16 - Discussion on the problems of misinformation
    After the weekend of good discussion, I realized that pretty much everyone either posted to my Facebook wall or directly talked with me about it, so I moved the discussion items to a post to make them more public.
  • 3/23/16 - Caucus or kakas - thoughts on my first Caucus
    I posted about my experience attending my first American caucus, noting the differences and similarities between the two parties' caucuses and connecting those ideas to my topics of misinformation in the modern age.
  • 3/25/16 - Navigating a sea of information, v3
    The third iteration of my misinformation post, with attempts to make it fit better with the sub-hub topic, and to include the discussion that's been generated about it.
    • Needs pointers on how to make it better, more brief, and better fit with the group project
  • 3/25/16 - A proposed tool for combating internet misinformation, v3
    Continued development of the platform.
    • Needs feedback from academics, and some serious discussion so that I can make a good prototype for the next post
  • 4/8/16 - Smoothing the Seas of Information
    • This is my final post. If I were to update it again, I would try to keep content about the same, but trim it down a little bit.
Group Project - my contributions
  • 3/8/16 - Rhetorical Techniques for Video Content, part 1
    I began to look at rhetorical techniques, though this largely became a discussion about different formats that I have seen work well that lightly touches on some rhetoric.
    • I need to follow this up with a video discussing the actual rhetorical devices used.
  • 3/20/16 - Rhetorical Techniques for Video Content, part 2
    This post took about 12 hours to write. It's a discussion of different rhetorical techniques used in successful videos on YouTube. I included several videos that are very pertinent to our class project, and some that relate well with different topics to hopefully help us think of ways we want to talk about our topics and individual arguments.
    • I don't know what to do with this one next. I basically provided it to be a useful service to the class. I doubt it will see much use, but I wish everyone watched the VSauce videos at least.
  • 3/20/16 - Building New Literacy in a New Age: Proposed Format
    This is the rough draft of the initial pared-down script. I spent some 6 hours putting together a primary script, but we realized that it was way longer than we had time for, so Eli pared it down to this.
    • Start filming the short script, get feedback on our format and make changes accordingly.
  • 3/21/16 - Building New Literacy in a new way: proposed videoscript
    Here is the more complete script, which should be linked to the first one. Eli posted the previous one, and Sarah posted this one.
    • Replace the excellent-quality Prezi with our faces. Basically, combine the previous two posts into one, with a video version of the format post and the text of the script. We'll do that in V2.
  • 3/28/16 - Building Literacy in a New Age: Skills and Suggestions
    I put this post together using team input. I didn't have the main narrative video, so I recorded it on my cell phone in my lab. Not very pretty, but it gets the idea across.
    • Implement the comments from class, clean it up, and get ready for the penultimate version.
  •  4/6/16 - Literacy: Timeless Skill, Contemporary Skillset
    • This is our final post.
Estimated total time spent on this project: 45 hours since March 1.

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